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Advent: A Journey of Waiting, Watching and Preparing for the Light

Advent is the time of year that prepares us for Christmas, the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. It’s a period when we learn to wait, watch, hope and prepare for His coming. The incarnation of God—the story of God taking on skin and moving into our neighborhood—is the central idea of Christmas for Christians. And it's not just about the baby in the manger; this season is also about a coming King!

Waiting, patience, and prayer are the hallmarks of the Advent season. We learn to become people who wait for what we know God will do. Advent is a guidebook to that anticipation, a reflective map readying you to receive the best gift ever given.

Buy a copy on my web store or on Amazon

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LENT: A Journey of Discovery by Addition, Subtraction and Introspection

This little book is a guide, a help, a companion on a 40-day journey of prayer and Christian practice known as Lent.

On this journey, we will practice the disciplines of addition, subtraction and introspection so that we may more fully participate in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Buy a copy on my web store or on Amazon



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Ordinary Time: A Journey of Counting, Conforming, and Embracing God’s Presence in Everyday Life

This book is your guide to 90 ordinary days—the in-between days in the Church, when we aren’t looking toward Easter or preparing our hearts for Christmas. But don’t think these days don’t count. These days still shape and form us. That’s because Ordinary Time is marked by growth, maturing, and blooming after seasons of tilling the soil and extravagant spiritual outpouring—like we experience during Advent or Lent. During Ordinary Time, we see the natural, ordinary, everyday growth that results from living through dry, difficult, pruning seasons as well as seasons of abundant, water-soaked, sun-drenched celebration and Spirit-empowerment. During Ordinary Time, we simply let the fruit that the rest of the year plants in us come to maturity. We let our extraordinary encounters with God enable us to live faithful, ordinary lives in ordinary times.

Buy a copy on my web store or on Amazon