The issue of influence is what today revolves around. The influencers in our life can either tempt us away from God or provoke us toward God. I love Hebrews 10:24, " let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds..." We usually consider provoking someone as a negative but here the script is flipped and it becomes the very thing we are to do when we are in a position of influence. Could we say that we should tempt each other toward love and good deeds? That might sound weird, it probably is but you get the idea. We should be the person who instigates holiness of heart and life in those around us. And we should place people the closest to us who provoke us toward Christlikeness. This is a key part of discipleship. 

As you asked in the book today, is the character of Christ increasing or decreasing in your life? I would add, who are the people helping you with this and who are those that are hindering you? Maybe even make a list. Then commit to putting the godly influencers closest to you. In doing this you then can become the influencer of those who might otherwise influence or even tempt you.