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This is a silly little video. There are TONS of videos and parodies for the 12 Days of Christmas on youtube. I picked a pretty normal one. Also, I just posted the video instead of only audio. ENJOY! 

But today, we’re really trying to think and pray about how we can celebrate these 12 days a little differently. I have always celebrated just one day of Christmas, but the Christian tradition tells us we get 12 days.
I say, AMEN! 

How are you going to celebrate? 

I have a friend from Germany whose tradition is to NOT get his Christmas tree until Christmas day (the 1st day of Christmas). He sets up the tree on day number one and then celebrates for the next 12 days, taking the tree down promptly on January 6. 

I love that tradition but I haven’t been able to talk my wife into it. She likes her tree too much. We’re still learning and experimenting how to journey through Advent and how to celebrate Christmas. We’re trying to find our traditions as a family and our unique ways of making this time of year meaningful. 

I’d love to hear some of your traditions and some of the ways you celebrate Christmas.

Share on facebook or twitter and use the hashtag #AdventJourney and mention me @erikwillits, I can't wait to see what you cook up!


"The 'real' twelve days of Christmas are important not just as a way of thumbing our noses at secular ideas of the 'Christmas season.' They are important because they give us a way of reflecting on what the Incarnation means in our lives. Christmas commemorates the most momentous event in human history—the entry of God into the world He made, in the form of a baby." 

This is an excerpt from an great little article entitle The Real Twelve Days of Christmas.
It can be found on Christianity Today, click on the title link to read the entire article.

Here is another cool audio version of this famous song.
A little something different, enjoy!