The Advent Project | Biola University Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts

A friend mentioned this site to me, then it crossed my path on Facebook, and then as I was surfing the Web for Advent nuggets and I came across is again. It seems meant to be! And it’s pretty cool. A post a day, along with a reflective prayer song. Definitely worth checking out. 

Here's what they say,
"The Biola University Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts (CCCA) is a significant transdisciplinary resource for thoughtful consideration of and critical engagement with our culture, the arts and Christian faith."


Well, we’ve gotta have a little fun! ;-)

I thought this video was pretty funny, and it ends with a serious take on Advent as well. 

This organization XT3 is an Australian Catholic organization doing some cool things to engage youth and make their faith and tradition relevant to young people! I haven’t looked around thoroughly but what I’ve seen so far I like. 

They have an Advent calendar that gives very short little devotional thoughts with some really interesting bits as well. And it has a cool interface. 

There is also an iPhone or Android app to go with it! BONUS! 

Check it out and keep embracing your wait this Advent!