The ministry of Renovaré is amazing! When it comes to the spiritual disciplines and this idea of spiritual training, or as I referenced today, making alertness or any spiritual practice second nature, this organization will be a great resource! 

They have some great resource on their website, all kinds of good stuff to check out but specifically, they have a list of Advent resources they recommend. My guess is that anything on this list is top notch and worth checking out. I'm familiar with a few of these items myself! Click on this image below to check out their recommendations... 

If you have a favorite resource please share. Twee it and use the hashtag #AdventJourney

Fr. Richard Rohr wrote a really great book of Advent Meditation. It very small and maybe he best meditation on Advent I've come across. You've probably noticed a few meditations from him in the book, there is still more to come. This little video below is him talk about that book. 
