My Advent Week #2 playlist is up for your listening pleasure! 
This Spotify playlist is all the song i listened to on the second week of Advent and Spottily is great because i can share love with you! 

Honestly the Kings Kaleidoscope’s version of Come Thou Long Expected Jesus is by far my most listened to song this past week and probably will be next week… it’s so good! I have a bit of a hard time recommending their music because they come from Mark Driscoll’s church. And yea, i’m just not a huge Mark Driscoll fan. Sorry if you are, read day 13 in the Advent book if you want to know why i don’t like Pastor Mark. There are a few other reason as well. 

Regardless, Kings Kaleidoscope is REALLY good! Check out their Christmas album and all their albums actually, really good stuff! And Come Thou Long Expected Jesus is on the week #2 playlist, make sure you give it a listen.
My Noisetrade recommendation for the week is Sufjan Stevens. He’s been on both my 1st and 2nd week Spotify playlist. He’s prolific, has a ton of good stuff! He’s quirky, you probably won’t like it all but let it play, you’ll enjoy it! 

Those are my Advent Music Monday recommendations. 
